Only Jesus Can Change Evil

                Psychology Today defines insanity as “mental illness of such a severe nature that a person cannot distinguish fantasy from reality, cannot conduct her/his affairs due to psychosis, or is subject to uncontrollable impulsive behavior”.   That is a horrible condition for a person to live with.  It is truly a sad situation.  There is hope, of course.  With therapy and medication, a host of mental illnesses can be managed, and people can lead productive lives. As a society we are becoming more aware of such problems and for the most part see them and feel compassion and understanding.
                Some mental illnesses can lead to wicked and destructive actions, no doubt.  But the law rightfully says that sane people can and will do horrible things.  In fact, I’ve read that an “insanity defense” rarely succeeds in cases of violence and mayhem.  Courts rule that the person who committed the particular act was sane.
                So why would a sane person murder, rob, rape, and commit other acts of violence?  I believe that courts of law, by stating that sane people can do horrible things, have endorsed the concept of EVILWhen used as an adjective the word evil describes a person who does bad things.  But many dictionaries define the word evil as a noun that is “a cosmic evil force” and “something that brings sorrow, distress, and calamity”.  I do not understand how anyone, looking at the world today, can say that a cosmic evil doesn’t exist.
                Unlike a mental illness, evil can’t be controlled or cured by any medicine.  No doctor can prescribe a pill designed to treat evil. There is only one thing that can eradicate evil and that is the Lord Jesus Christ. Because evil is a “force” of unexplainable origin, power, or cause only an equal force of supernatural power can conquer it:  Jesus is that power. I know people personally who will tell you that they were once evil, but Jesus changed their very nature.  I’ve heard people describe how He changed their heart from one of evil to a heart of love.  There are countless criminals who will gladly share that the only reason they were able to shed a heart of intense anger and hate and escape a life of continued evil is that Jesus saved them and made them a new person.
                 Laws cannot change evil, but Jesus can.  Continue to lift Him up as the sole Savior of a fallen people and, as always….
Say good things about your Savior and His Church on the Bluff.

Bro. Tony


Absolute Truth

                A famous actor recently said that after his latest role in a TV series he was going to quit acting and “bring truth to the world”. He wouldn’t elaborate on just what he meant by bringing truth to the world, but my hope is that he meant he was going to begin spreading the Gospel.  Let me say emphatically that if that truth isn’t Jesus, it’s not the truth.
                Some would say that truth is relative, therefore what is true for you may not be true for me.  They are wrong. That isn’t truth at all.  Truth doesn’t change.  Our opinion of truth may be different, but the truth remains the same. The dictionary says that truth is considered to be absolute, if it is valid in and also beyond all times and places. Therefore, a universal truth is considered logically to transcend the state of the physical universe, whose order is derived from such truths.
                Did you catch that last sentence? Order of the universe is derived from absolute truth.  That doesn’t mean that just the placement of the planets and stars is determined by absolute truth, it means that the order of everything in the universe is determined by absolute truth:  Flowers and trees, the animal kingdom, and yes…human existence. Without absolute truth there would be chaos.
                Many would say that relative truth is proved by certain examples.  For instance, some say pepperoni pizza is good and some say pepperoni pizza is bad. Therefore, each has his own truth. Wrong.  Each has his own opinion of the truth that pepperoni pizza tastes like pepperoni pizza. You may like it, or you may not like it but that doesn’t change the way it tastes.  Good and bad are adjectives…simply describing your opinion of the taste.
                Am I tall or short?  That depends on whether I’m in a room full of kindergarteners or on a basketball court with NBA players.  So, is my height a relative truth? Absolutely not.  My height remains at 6’3” no matter what your opinion is. That’s the absolute truth.
                There is right and wrong that is absolute.  There is good and bad that is absolute.  Do you want to know those absolute truths? Look to the word of God as it plainly says that “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.” (Hebrews 13:8 NIV).  That sounds a lot like the definition of absolute truth, doesn’t it?  Therefore, Jesus is the answer to every question, and He is the solution to every problem too.
Say good things about your Savior and His Church on the Bluff.

Bro. Tony


Chick-Fil-A and Real Discrimination

               Chick-Fil-A has taken a lot of heat in the last couple of years because the founder believes that marriage should be between a man and a woman and contributes to a couple of Christian organizations that hold to the same belief.  They’ve been called haters and homophobes as well as a “bastion of bigotry”.  Politicians have criticized them for their support of Christian groups to the point of mayors proclaiming that they didn’t want Chick-Fil-A in their city.  Even college campuses deny them access and try to banish the locations that were on campuses already.
                Despite the fact, that no one has ever said Chick-Fil-A has discriminated against them in hiring practices because they were in the LGBTQ+ community or denied service or mistreated them because of their lifestyle choices, they are accused again and again of discrimination.  All because the founder believes the Bible. That just blows my mind.  Never did I ever dream that our culture would react that way to kind and generous people of the Christian faith.
                A young lady (evidently gay) even posted a picture of herself standing in front of a Chick-Fil-A holding a chicken sandwich and drink she purchased there and smiling broadly.  Her message said:  “They don’t know they took gay money”.  She, as well as so many of that generation, have no clue what real discrimination is. If she went back inside and told them she was gay they would gladly sell her another chicken sandwich…and it would be ‘their pleasure’.
                Real discrimination is refusing to let someone open a business in your city because they are Christians or running them off campus because you disagree with their beliefs. Real discrimination is mocking people and publicly calling them names. It is amazingly ironic that they do exactly what they accuse others of doing.

As Christians I think we can take a page form Chick-Fil-A’s handbook about responding to those who so violently disagree with our faith:  Love everyone, serve all people, and keep on keeping on with our love of and obedience to the Lord.

Say good things about your Savior and His Church on the Bluff.

Bro. Tony


Christian Work Ethic

                We just celebrated Labor Day, a day set aside to recognize the contribution of the American worker. The workforce in the U.S. is one of the things that makes this nation what it is.  America was built on the backs of hard workers.  In fact, they practiced what became known as the “Christian work ethic”.  You see, the Bible does teach a certain way to work.
                First, in 2 Timothy 3:10 God says we are to work for what we get. There were people kind of slacking off, allowing the church to monetarily take care of them. They had no physical reason for not working and He said to tell them that if they didn’t work, they wouldn’t eat.  Laziness or deception has no place in the workplace for Christians.
               Secondly, there is the admonition to work hard and give it your best effort no matter the circumstances. In Colossians 3:23 He tells us to work in our secular work as if we are working for the Lord. Give 100% to please God…even if you don’t like the work or the boss.  An honest day’s work is not about the job or the boss, it’s about the worker. Give it your best, regardless.
               You can see why there is a strong tie between the building of our nation and the Christian work ethic.  Sadly, as we see the marginalization of the Bible as a guide to what is right and wrong, we see a generation of people who believe they deserve to be taken care of in some way.  They seem to believe that the “government” owes them something because of their “rights” as Americans.
               As Christians we are to be exceedingly generous in taking care of people in dire need. We are to especially look out for widows and orphans. But there is absolutely nothing wrong with Christians believing that folks that are able-bodied should work for what they get and give 100% in their labor.  It’s the Christian thing to do.
Say good things about your Savior and His Church on The Bluff!

Bro. Tony


New Alabama Law and Marriage Certificates

                Have I signed my last Marriage Certificate?  Quite possibly.  The new Alabama law doesn’t require a marriage certificate, ceremony, or even a marriage officiant…such as a preacher or justice of the peace.  People simply download a marriage form, fill it out, have it notarized, and turn it in to the county Probate Office to be recorded. Boom! You are married.
                Something is just wrong with that picture.  I know that in the last decade the “institution of marriage” has taken quite a beating.  Some of the reasons to get married in the first place have been erased:  Living together, having children, making a meaningful commitment.  But right now, this law is a sad commentary on the importance of family in this culture.
                I understand that one of the reasons given for this new law is so that probate judges who disagree with same-sex marriages wouldn’t have to sign (approve) the marriage certificate.  But that could have been accomplished with numerous other types of laws that would have kept the solemnity and sacredness of marriage alive.  Now, unfortunately, it is nothing more that a simple civil contract. That’s it. No counseling, no promises, no vows…and no “I do’s”. Just “sign here”.
                Of course, wedding ceremonies can, and for Christians especially, will be performed in churches and wedding venues across the country.  But in the eyes of a so called “progressive” culture of permissiveness, marriage has taken a huge step backwards.  Marriage is a serious and sacred institution.  We should be making it harder to get married, not easier! The importance, meaning, and sanctity of the purpose of the marital union should be stressed, not erased.
                Do you realize that someone can decide at 8:00 to “get married” and be married by noon? The divorce courts are going to get busier, I’m sure. I wonder if the law makes a way to get divorced online, too?  Easy come, easy go.
Say good things about your Savior and His Church on the Bluff

Bro. Tony


Repent and Turn to God

                A few weeks ago, I mentioned from the pulpit that a person was asking online for the locations  of local churches who welcomed LGBTQ, had good music, and an “uplifting” service.  Let me state emphatically that such a person would certainly be welcomed here at Church on the Bluff!  I want everyone to know that we would not turn anyone away from our services or fellowship. We welcome adulterers, thieves, drunkard, liars, idolaters, those who are greedy, sexually immoral, and causers of division.  We would welcome you, hug you, even invite you to breakfast.  But the message you will hear is this:  “Repent and turn to God”!
                I’m sorry if that isn’t as uplifting as you want.  But it is Biblical.  Read the sermons Jesus and the apostles. Read the directives for the churches by Peter, Paul, John, and the others. They didn’t preach repentance from sin because they hated anyone. No…it was because they actually loved everyone and wanted them to experience a closeness with their creator that wasn’t possible with sin in their lives.  They knew of the destruction of families, the misery of a life lived apart from God, and the lack of joy and satisfaction away from God’s will and purpose.  And thus, they believed with all their heart and soul that turning away from sin would grant everyone a peace that passes the understanding of mortal man.
                So yes, all sinners are welcome.  Jesus said “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.”(Matthew 11:28-29 NIV).  That is our cry also. But….we will not affirm sin. Jesus also said to those whom he loved “But unless you repent, you too will all perish.” (Luke 13:5 NIV).
            So…welcome sinners!  Come and feel the freedom of repentance.

Say good things about your Savior and His Church on the Bluff.

Bro. Tony


Spirit of Revival

                I hope you are sensing a renewed spirit in the church. It seems like every Sunday the fellowship, the Bible study, and the singing are truly Spirit-filled.  That feeds two different needs.  First, some have had a tough week and need to be around fellow Christians for support and to feel the Spirit encouraging them and ministering to them.  Others come after having a great week of closeness with God and wanting to share their enthusiasm in fellowship and praise.
                Both are just what our community needs: Christians experiencing time of personal revival.  When you come to church and draw nearer to the Lord you go into a “world” that needs what you have.  There are people that are hurting, people who are angry, people who are confused….people that are searching for peace and satisfaction in their lives. I believe we don’t realize how much a joyful, encouraging, Christ-centered person affects people on a daily basis. Whether at the workplace, the home, at times of recreation, in the grocery store, or a restaurant….people need to see the light of Christ shining through us.  Sometimes a big smile and a “have a blessed day” can transfer the peace of Christ to someone, if only for a moment.
                You see, “going to church” is not totally about us.  There is a great big world out there that needs contact with Spirit-filled Christians; Christians who are sensitive to the Spirit in their lives.  Many times, we encounter people who seem to want to make our day worse.  We think, sometimes, that the devil puts people like that in our day just to rob us of joy.  Did you ever stop to think that God puts us in peoples lives to make their day better?
                We are God’s instruments of peace and compassion.  We are put into the world to affect the world, not the other way around.  So, yes, go to church every Sunday.  Recharge if that’s what you need.  Praise and worship the risen Savior and soak up that spirit of revival.  Express your love and joy.  Then take all that enthusiasm and love for Christ out into a world and let the Lord place you in the right place at the right time to touch a weary soul.  Let the Spirit guide you to situations where He wants to work through you.  Somewhere out there is a tired waiter, an ill cashier, an angry co-worker, or a burdened family member that the Lord wants you to minister to.
Say good things about your Savior and His Church on the Bluff.

Bro. Tony


The Perfect Storm

                In the last week or so there were two mass shootings that took the lives of at least 31 people and altered the lives of so many more.  The first thing we usually do, is ask the question: “who is to blame?”  Let me say this emphatically:  There is a lot of blame to pass around.  Have you ever seen the movie “The Perfect Storm”?  It references a huge and deadly storm that happens when all of the otherwise benign elements of weather join together at a precise place and time and with the right conditions to create a monster.   I would say that our nation is at the point of that “perfect storm” for these type of tragedies.   That is, all the elements needed for senseless murders on a large scale are present.
                This list is by no means exhaustive because each one is an umbrella under which several subsets can reside. And it is in no particular order, though one may feed off of the other. The access to weapons is indeed part of the problem, but we need to understand that relationship to the other aspects of this storm.  The weapons a lot of people want banned have been around for many years with few problems.  Take them away and people are going to find a way to create death and mayhem. The means of destruction will always be available, which makes our understanding of the other storm producers ever so important.
                First, I’d mention a collective rage. No matter the side of the political spectrum there is intense anger; even hatred. I’ve never seen a nation so angry and it seems that there is no willingness to find a middle ground.  Some want to give all the “credit” for that to our president but whatever his rhetoric, it is no stronger nor does it bear more weight than the rhetoric of his opponents.  Right now, both sides are only interested in kowtowing to what they believe to be their strongest voting demographic. The mudslinging and name-calling is fueling the rage.
                Next, I believe the access to an unfettered social media is a large part of the problem.  A person feeling marginalized or offended can quickly find anonymous people, though they be only a very small part of society, who only encourage and affirm hatred to the point of irrationality.  A person feeling that rage and wanting to take some sort of action is urged on by like-minded people hundreds of miles away. And I’ll use a politically incorrect term, but crazy people pumped up by other crazy people will do crazy things.
                Add to that the intense violence that is portrayed in movies, on TV, and in video games.  We are becoming desensitized to the horror of bloodshed. The gore is unbelievable: brains splatter, guts fall out, and blood spurts from wounds like a fountain.  That sort of thing has its affects on our collective psyche as violence is, quite simply, normalized.
Then (and this is of utmost importance) there is the drastic mistake of trying to separate the physical from the spiritual.  Humans are not merely physical products of some sort of majestic coincidence of chemical reactions some billions of years ago.  We were created by a loving God, in His image.  When we as a nation purposely kick God to the curb the elements for that perfect storm are unleashed.  Presidential candidate Joe Biden said a week ago “white supremacists are winning the battle for this soul of the nation”.  How pitifully simplistic.  Satan is winning the battle for the soul of this nation. He is using white supremacists, Antifa, black supremacists, violent gangs, greedy politicians, hate sites on the internet, a news media that thrives on controversy to the point of actually feeding it, and a nation that is distancing itself from God.
                A lot of people have died in this storm.  We, the Christian church, have our work cut out for us.  Prayers are necessary and these things ought to drive us to our knees in the presence of God.  But action is called for and I believe the most important action is evangelism. Only God can change hate to love and He does that by changing the people through the Gospel.  Now is not the time for the church to circle the wagons, it is time for us to stand up and boldly share the true and only cure for this storm:  Jesus Christ.
Say good things about your Savior and His Church on the Bluff

Bro. Tony


Christian Values Attacked

                  According to a July 24, 2019 report from LifeSiteNews (as well as other agencies) “– A YouTube ad for a charity supporting military veterans was suppressed recently because it contained the keyword “Christian,” the charity’s founder says.”  Keywords are words chosen by the ads to help direct searchers to their particular website/advertisement.   Apparently, YouTube has decided that the word “Christian” is unacceptable content!
                Now, get this: the marketing team substituted the word Muslim for the word Christian and there was no problem publishing the ad. Does that shock you? I hope it does. It certainly raises more than a few red flags, but I have two main questions that trouble me.  First, when did being a Christian become such a bad thing in this country?  And secondly, why the sudden infatuation with all things Muslim?
                Let’s look at that first question.  There was a time, not too far removed, when people were respected for their Christian views.  Politicians across the nation proudly presented their religious affiliation during the election times.  Keeping in mind that Christian doctrine hasn’t changed, those same beliefs are now considered backward, hateful, and dangerous.  Seriously…hateful?  Christians in my generation and the generation after mine, were seen as staunch defenders against the vices that caused so much damage to the individual and to families: drinking, smoking, gambling, pre-marital sex, etc., and a great deal of our salvation experiences included the forsaking of those lifestyles.  Yes, we were seen as prudish and often judgmental, but our beliefs were respected.
                Then came Satan’s greatest victory in destroying people: the “sexual revolution”.  When we stop to think about it, we realize that the major conflict between Christians and worldly living now has to do with sex.  There is the abortion industry that thrives because of un-planned pregnancy due in a great deal to the loss of respect for the place of sex in our lives, the homosexual tendencies that are encouraged and celebrated, and now even the transsexual movement to normalize a serious mental health problem. Anything and almost everything goes.  I say ‘almost’ because there are some sexual behaviors that are still recognized as un-natural and deviant; but rest assured that those will quickly follow.
                As a result of the licentiousness and darkness of the selfish human nature, Christians are now dubbed “haters”.  But that begs the second question about the widespread push for the Muslim community.  Do Christians believe that the afore mentioned sexual behaviors are un-natural and sinful?  Yes.  Do we want the misguided LGBTQ folks executed or imprisoned? Of course not; we want them healed.  Yet nine major Muslim countries such as Afghanistan, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, and Iran have the death penalty for LGBTQ behavior and eleven more, including Algeria, Malaysia, Pakistan, and Syria impose harsh prison sentences. Yet Christians are the haters?

Don’t be fooled by thinking that those Muslims who migrate here have suddenly abandoned their faith in exchange for the “American Dream”.  Nor have those elected to positions of authority and power suddenly ditched their hatred for non-Muslims.  So why, then, is Islam given such positive promotion across our country by the cultural elite and liberal colleges?  It is plain to me that it is due to willful ignorance brought on by the hatred of Christians. Jesus said it would happen…yet it still caught me by surprise. I never thought I’d see the day where Christians would be told to not only to be quiet about their beliefs but even deny them in order to be a part of our American culture.

Say good things about your Savior and His Church on the Bluff

Bro. Tony


God’s Plan has God’s Purpose

                Absurd: “wildly unreasonable, illogical, or inappropriate, senseless…”. I think it’s time to begin throwing that word around more, especially when it comes to the “transgender debacle”.  A presidential candidate recently tied himself into a pretzel trying to include the transgender community in the abortion debate. (Every vote counts, you know).  Listen, Slick….only a woman can have an abortion because only a woman can get pregnant. To state otherwise is absurd. It doesn’t matter what a person thinks in his/her head, males cannot get pregnant. It is physically, physiologically, biologically, and medically impossible. For anyone (news media personalities, Hollywood celebrities, and politicians) to push anything less than that truth is…well…absurd.

Now you don’t have to be religious to know that.  I’ve known and now know unbelievers who have enough sense to know that there are only two sexes and those sexes are quite different and men cannot get pregnant.  But being a believer in Christ and holding true to the word of God, the Bible, we do have the strength to stand up to the absurdities of things that are the result of misguided and yes, sometimes even evil human imaginations.  Ephesians 4:14 says that as we become more mature in Christ “We will no longer be infants, tossed back and forth by the waves, and blown here and there by every wind of teaching and by the cunning and craftiness of people in their deceitful scheming”.


Ask yourself this question: “why, all of a sudden, has the spotlight been shone on a community of people that represent at best .6% of the population?”.  That is point six percent. As in 6/10 of one percent! (From what I’ve read that’s probably about the same amount of people who believe they were abducted by aliens). That’s absurd.


Many say it’s because they have been marginalized and even discriminated against.  Unfortunately, people with mental problems are often avoided if that’s what you mean my marginalized.  It’s unfortunate, but it not a question of hate so much as awkwardness and not knowing what to say or how to act.  Discrimination? A man dressed as a woman used to come into the fabric store where Angie worked and purchase fabric. You know what? They sold him fabric.  When he left and went out to a fast food place to eat, they sold him burgers.  Walmart would sell him a ladies bicycle.  He can go into any museum, any theater, any public place that his heart so desires.


“But he can’t go into a ladies restroom!  That’s discrimination!”.  Nope. Not even close.  It’s common sense and a safety precaution.  To think that someone with male genitalia should be allowed into a women’s restroom is…absurd.  It goes to that last part of Ephesians 4:14 that instructs us to beware of “the cunning and craftiness of people in their deceitful scheming”.


God has a plan and God has a purpose.  The sooner people recognize that the better off we all will be and the closer we will be to harmony, peace and unity.


Say good things about your Savior and His Church on the Bluff.


Bro. Tony