Another small city has come under fire for having a nativity scene on the city property. An organization
of people who have a strong dislike for Christianity, the “Freedom From Religion Foundation”, has
successfully sued city governments on several occasions to get elements of Christianity removed from
Christmas displays. How blatantly absurd.
of people who have a strong dislike for Christianity, the “Freedom From Religion Foundation”, has
successfully sued city governments on several occasions to get elements of Christianity removed from
Christmas displays. How blatantly absurd.
Are Christians “anti-science” if we do not accept evolution as a fact? I’ve heard that many times. First,
let me say that there are Christian scientists in all disciplines of science. Those people have the same
information as their peers yet reach a different conclusion. Why is that do you think? Are the Christian
scientists closed minded and stubborn, refusing to look at the obvious?
let me say that there are Christian scientists in all disciplines of science. Those people have the same
information as their peers yet reach a different conclusion. Why is that do you think? Are the Christian
scientists closed minded and stubborn, refusing to look at the obvious?
Act of God
Before televised college football games some guys tell the viewers who they think will win the game.
Four or five of them will take some time to explain their decision. These “experts” make a lot of money
doing what they do, yet sometimes they are wrong. In fact, I’ve seen a game where their choice was
unanimous…. but they were all wrong. It’s difficult to predict a football game, isn’t it? A lot can happen
to influence the outcome.
Four or five of them will take some time to explain their decision. These “experts” make a lot of money
doing what they do, yet sometimes they are wrong. In fact, I’ve seen a game where their choice was
unanimous…. but they were all wrong. It’s difficult to predict a football game, isn’t it? A lot can happen
to influence the outcome.
Speaker of the house
A well-known lady on a cable television broadcast openly mocked the new Speaker of the House
because of his Christianity. She spoke about how dangerous he is and referred to him as a “Christian
nationalist” (there is that scary word again; that wild-eyed zealot that will run roughshod over people’s
lives and force Christianity on the nation). A late-night host even compared the new Speaker to the
gunman who murdered 18 people in Maine, saying that because the Speaker said that God spoke to him
(through the scriptures) he was not any different from the madman who said he heard voices and that’s
why he killed. He literally compared Christianity to insanity.
because of his Christianity. She spoke about how dangerous he is and referred to him as a “Christian
nationalist” (there is that scary word again; that wild-eyed zealot that will run roughshod over people’s
lives and force Christianity on the nation). A late-night host even compared the new Speaker to the
gunman who murdered 18 people in Maine, saying that because the Speaker said that God spoke to him
(through the scriptures) he was not any different from the madman who said he heard voices and that’s
why he killed. He literally compared Christianity to insanity.
Every time there is an incident concerning Israel, we begin to talk about the “end times”. Rightfully so.
Israel…Jerusalem…the Middle East…are central and instrumental to the second coming of our Lord,
Jesus Christ. The prophecies of things that must happen before Jesus returns all focus on the area of His
life and ministry.
Israel…Jerusalem…the Middle East…are central and instrumental to the second coming of our Lord,
Jesus Christ. The prophecies of things that must happen before Jesus returns all focus on the area of His
life and ministry.
Compassion and Mercy
I was studying in preparation for a sermon when I came across this quote from a well-known Calvinist:
“God gives life and He takes life. Everybody who dies, dies because God wills that they die.” I know that
God has, indeed, taken lives. The Bible gives examples of that. But every life? When a drunk driver
smashes head-on into another car and kills people…God did that? When a store clerk is murdered
during a robbery…God did that?
“God gives life and He takes life. Everybody who dies, dies because God wills that they die.” I know that
God has, indeed, taken lives. The Bible gives examples of that. But every life? When a drunk driver
smashes head-on into another car and kills people…God did that? When a store clerk is murdered
during a robbery…God did that?
Pray for Israel
I know we were all surprised when Israel was viciously attacked by the terrorist group, Hamas. The
sickening carnage and horrific slaughter could only be perpetrated by evil, un-civilized, and depraved
people. I expected the massacre to be soundly condemned worldwide (with the exception of the
monsters that committed the crime and other Jew-hating nations). For the most part, that was true.
But even among the western nations, there were pockets of Palestinian sympathizers. What appalled
me the most, however, was the anti-Jewish sentiment in our own nation.
sickening carnage and horrific slaughter could only be perpetrated by evil, un-civilized, and depraved
people. I expected the massacre to be soundly condemned worldwide (with the exception of the
monsters that committed the crime and other Jew-hating nations). For the most part, that was true.
But even among the western nations, there were pockets of Palestinian sympathizers. What appalled
me the most, however, was the anti-Jewish sentiment in our own nation.
Wonderful Day
I’m writing this on the Monday after our 125 th Anniversary celebration and I’m still in a state of
amazement. It was a wonderful day, and it exceeded my expectations.
amazement. It was a wonderful day, and it exceeded my expectations.
Virtue Signaliing
Have you noticed some companies advertising their products without ever mentioning
the quality or price of the products? Generally, companies will speak of their high
standard of quality and/or the low price…the value. Now, it seems, more and more
want to engage in “virtue signaling”: espousing a value or societal virtue that they feel
will draw customers to them…almost regardless of their product.
the quality or price of the products? Generally, companies will speak of their high
standard of quality and/or the low price…the value. Now, it seems, more and more
want to engage in “virtue signaling”: espousing a value or societal virtue that they feel
will draw customers to them…almost regardless of their product.
Virtue Signaliing
Have you noticed some companies advertising their products without ever mentioning
the quality or price of the products? Generally, companies will speak of their high
standard of quality and/or the low price…the value. Now, it seems, more and more
want to engage in “virtue signaling”: espousing a value or societal virtue that they feel
will draw customers to them…almost regardless of their product.
the quality or price of the products? Generally, companies will speak of their high
standard of quality and/or the low price…the value. Now, it seems, more and more
want to engage in “virtue signaling”: espousing a value or societal virtue that they feel
will draw customers to them…almost regardless of their product.