The Eclipse.

The eclipse was interesting, wasn’t it? In the weeks before its happening, there were a lot of
“conspiracy theories” being thrown out there. They ranged from the beginning of the new world order
to NASA firing rockets at the moon to satanic rituals that would bring on the end of the world. One
article I read, though, added an interesting “conspiracy theory” as written by a Republican
congresswoman. It said this: “God is sending America strong signs to tell us to repent. Earthquakes and
eclipses and many more things to come. I pray that our country listens.”
Two things about that that strike me. First, that sincere Christian belief about repentance and the
second coming of Christ is lumped in with weird and outlandish beliefs of some wacko conspiracy
theorists. That should tell us something about how the media want people to perceive us: Glassy-eyed,
religious nuts on par with folks who believe aliens are causing eclipses to prepare us for invasion.
Secondly, that every phenomenon of nature is seen as a sign of the “end times”. Could they be? We’ll,
yes. Are they? We don’t know. Earthquakes, floods, droughts, tornadoes, hurricanes, and eclipses have
been happening for hundreds of years without signifying Christ’s return. I’m kind of like the boy who
cried wolf when there wasn’t one until no one believed him when there was really a wolf. All of these
“signs” do not worry me; I’m numb to them.
However, that doesn’t mean I’m not anticipating His return. Quite the opposite. I believe He could
return any day and I’m not going to have time to change anything. I will stand before Him as I am. My
task…and your task is to be ready when He does appear. Eclipse or no eclipse, are you ready? If
not…repent. It’s that simple.
Say good things about your Savior and His church on this bluff.
Bro. Tony