Freedom of Religion

“Freedom of religion” is a phrase that summarizes part of the first amendment to the Constitution. It
says, Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion or prohibiting the free exercise
thereof… Sounds great, doesn’t it. From recent rulings and actions taken by the government, however,
it seems that the part that says, “prohibiting the free exercise thereof” seems to be relegated to just
“going to church”. That is, the government can’t stop you from going to church services.
But “exercising” our religion involves so much more than attending services. Christians should exercise
belief in Jesus in how they act, speak, dress, and conduct business. Christians should be able to display
jewelry or clothing that speaks of Christ. Christians should be able to take a Bible to school or work and
read in free time. In normal conversation in those places we should be allowed to invoke our beliefs
when talking about life in general.
But the fact of the matter is that, in many cases, Christians aren't allowed to do that. We can be
disciplined in schools and workplaces for exercising those rights. It is getting to the place where
government is becoming unafraid to say that we can do and say what we want inside the four walls of
our church building, but everywhere else, shut up and be quiet.
This is true especially when we speak of our Biblical beliefs about homosexuality, abortion, or gender
dysphoria. But it will soon bleed down into less controversial matters, too. The restrictions on so-called
“hate speech” will be enlarged and codified, even though the definition is so open to debate. There will
be no debate as the anti-Christian zealots push harder and harder.
The solution? Don’t sit down and shut up. Speak proudly of your Savior and your love for Him. Be strong
and courageous. Do not fear. The church…God’s chosen…will not fail.
Say good things about your Savior and His church on this bluff.
Bro. Tony