Bad Faith

There is a “documentary” entitled “Bad Faith” that purports to show the nation, during this voting year,
that Christians are striving to make America a Christianity-ruled government rather than a democracy. If
you believe what that piece of propaganda says, you will see Christian voters as the most dangerous
group of people that this nation has ever seen. They are honestly claiming that. They’ve coined the
phrase “Christian Nationalism” and show the dangers of a theocracy, claiming that is what the average
Christian desires for our government.


Freedom of Religion

“Freedom of religion” is a phrase that summarizes part of the first amendment to the Constitution. It
says, Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion or prohibiting the free exercise
thereof… Sounds great, doesn’t it. From recent rulings and actions taken by the government, however,
it seems that the part that says, “prohibiting the free exercise thereof” seems to be relegated to just
“going to church”. That is, the government can’t stop you from going to church services.


Last Supper

Leonardo DaVinci’s painting, The “Last Supper” is iconic. I suspect that anyone over the age of 10 has
seen it and would recognize it immediately. So, when the organizers of the blasphemous scene of drag
queens, gays, and others mimicking the Christian faith said that it wasn’t intended to portray Christ’s
final meal with His disciples, even atheists rolled their eyes and laughed at the idiocy.


Protestant Churches

There are two major divisions of Protestant churches, the Mainline and Evangelical. The term Mainline
refer to a group of churches that were the dominant denominations in early America: Episcopal,
Lutheran, Methodist, Presbyterian, and a couple of others. Evangelical denominations are Baptist,
Pentecostal, and many of the non-denominational mega-churches.


Life Time Warranty

When I graduated from High School I started working part time at Sears as I went to a community
college. I worked in the hardware department, home of the famed Craftsman tools. All Craftsman tools
had a lifetime warranty. My “sales pitch” to customers was that the tools were guaranteed even against
loss. I’d tell them that if they lost one, just bring it in and we’d replace it.


50th anniversary

On Sunday, August 4th, we will celebrate the 50th anniversary of moving to the facilities we now occupy
as Church on the Bluff. We won’t celebrate like out 125th anniversary, but we will make it a special
day…with a covered dish meal afterwards. Plan on coming and bringing friends and neighbors!


Common Sense defines common sense as: “sound practical judgment that is independent of specialized
knowledge, training, or the like; normal native intelligence”. Common sense is extremely useful in daily
living. However, I heard some say that common sense is a flower that doesn’t grow in everyone’s


Praise Songs

There is an old saying that goes like this: “Be careful that you don’t throw the
baby out with the bath water”.  Back in the days when not everyone had indoor
plumbing, the mother would fill a large tub with hot water.  The children then
bathed, one at a time, beginning with the oldest.


Is Jesus a Socialist?

Is Jesus a Socialist? Believe it or not, there are preachers, theologians, and other religious leaders who
claim that He is. The overwhelming number of those folks are false teachers striving to equate Jesus to
the liberal, leftist views of “progressive Christianity”.


In the beginning God created…

I was reading the ingredients on the side of a package at the grocery store. It read: “noodles made from
scratch”. Aren’t all noodles made from scratch? In fact, isn’t everything made from scratch? Suppose
you purchase a box of cake mix at the market. All the dry ingredients that go into a cake are mixed
together…from scratch…you add the eggs and milk to finish off the mix, and then bake it. The whole
thing was made from scratch. You just took over the process at some point. You could honesty tell
everyone that the cake was made from scratch.