
                I saw an interesting commercial concerning Easter.  It was a commercial for a chocolate rabbit. The closing line said this: “This year make the magic of Easter come alive” (with one of their special chocolate bunnies).   I wonder if they are really dumb and accidentally belittled the meaning of Easter or if they purposely sought to insinuate that their chocolate confection was as important to the day as the resurrection. Make Easter come alive….with chocolate.  What an  insult to every Christian who believes that  the resurrection of Christ assures us of our resurrection in the presence of God when this life is over. Paul said that we are “made alive” in Christ (1 Corinthians 15:22).

The resurrection is what the celebration is all about; it makes the events on the previous Friday “good”. Without the resurrection the crucifixion would be watered down to story about a martyr instead of the sacrifice of the Savior. Maybe I’m  just getting old and grouchy, but, for some reason, that chocolate rabbit being associated with “coming alive” strikes a nerve.

That’s my rant about secular Easter. I always look forward to the real meaning and, of course, our services on Easter and this year is no different. We are going to have a glorious day of celebration. Please remember our special service times: Sunrise Service at 6:30, Bluff Perk fellowship at 7:00, Bible Study groups at 8:00, and Worship Service at 9:00. Invite friends and family to join us on this most special day.

Bro. Tony, pastor

Church on the Bluff