There are two major divisions of Protestant churches, the Mainline and Evangelical. The term Mainline
refer to a group of churches that were the dominant denominations in early America: Episcopal,
Lutheran, Methodist, Presbyterian, and a couple of others. Evangelical denominations are Baptist,
Pentecostal, and many of the non-denominational mega-churches.
There are two basic differences. First, the Mainline system operates from the top down. Every church
answers to the top organizational hierarchy. Evangelical churches are autonomous. They may be a part
of a larger organization, but they are not dependent on them for financial support or how they organize
locally. They own their own church property and call their own pastor and leadership team. But that is
not a huge problem.
The main difference can be summed up in two words: Conservative and Liberal. Whereas Evangelical
churches stay true to historical interpretation and nuances of the Bible, the Mainline churches have a
more fluid interpretation that can change as society and cultures seem to change. I say seem to change
because society and culture may say that humans are progressing in their thinking…but they are not.
They are actually regressing. Nothing in culture today is new; it all has been tried before. The basic,
carnal desires of humans…selfishness, lust, anger, jealousy, greed, hate, and others are the same now as
they were in Biblical times. The Bible is written to address and restrain those harmful aspects of
humanity through a knowledge of God…His character and purpose.
When you progress to the point of disregarding the Word of God as not relevant in today’s world, or re-
interpreting solid doctrine to fit human wants and desires, nothing good will become of it. In fact,
history has shown that it is the churches that attempt those things that become irrelevant…to the work
of God.
Pray for those misguided churches and members who seek to please the world at the expense of the
Say good things about your Savior and His church on this bluff.
refer to a group of churches that were the dominant denominations in early America: Episcopal,
Lutheran, Methodist, Presbyterian, and a couple of others. Evangelical denominations are Baptist,
Pentecostal, and many of the non-denominational mega-churches.
There are two basic differences. First, the Mainline system operates from the top down. Every church
answers to the top organizational hierarchy. Evangelical churches are autonomous. They may be a part
of a larger organization, but they are not dependent on them for financial support or how they organize
locally. They own their own church property and call their own pastor and leadership team. But that is
not a huge problem.
The main difference can be summed up in two words: Conservative and Liberal. Whereas Evangelical
churches stay true to historical interpretation and nuances of the Bible, the Mainline churches have a
more fluid interpretation that can change as society and cultures seem to change. I say seem to change
because society and culture may say that humans are progressing in their thinking…but they are not.
They are actually regressing. Nothing in culture today is new; it all has been tried before. The basic,
carnal desires of humans…selfishness, lust, anger, jealousy, greed, hate, and others are the same now as
they were in Biblical times. The Bible is written to address and restrain those harmful aspects of
humanity through a knowledge of God…His character and purpose.
When you progress to the point of disregarding the Word of God as not relevant in today’s world, or re-
interpreting solid doctrine to fit human wants and desires, nothing good will become of it. In fact,
history has shown that it is the churches that attempt those things that become irrelevant…to the work
of God.
Pray for those misguided churches and members who seek to please the world at the expense of the
Say good things about your Savior and His church on this bluff.
Bro. Tony